Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Kidney Stone Diagnosis

Kidney stones can be ready diagnosed from the symptoms one is experiencing and the medical history.

Some of the initial tests that a general physician might suggest would include


This will check if you are having any infection or presence of pieces of stones in the urine.


Any stones that you may pass in your urine  can be collected (by urinating through a gauze) and  is then sent for a medical examination to verify its type and constitution. This is very helpful in determining the right course of treatment most beneficial to your condition.


This is to check if your kidneys are working properly and also to determine the levels of certain substances that may lead to stone formation (e.g. calcium)
However,  in  case you  are having fever and your pain is very severe which  does not subside with pain killers you will be referred to a urologist (Specialist in treating urinary problems).

Visiting a Urologist

A urologist may suggest an imaging test. These can be of various types and are used to confirm whether a kidney stone is present or to pin point its exact location.


Computerized Tomography (CT Scan or CAT Scan)
This scan uses a series of x-rays taken at different angles to produce horizontal, or axial, images (often called slices) of the body which are then  put together by a computer. This scan being 2D is more detailed than a normal X-ray. 

Kidney, Ureter, Bladder X-ray (KUB X- Ray)
X-ray used a beam of high-energy radiation which is aimed at the body is used to create an image highlight the abnormalities in body tissue. KUB results may show the presence of kidney stones or gallstones. Although it may also highlight others reason for abdominal pain like injuries to the stomach or intestines, fluid in your abdominal cavity, or a blockage of your intestines, the test is sometimes a preliminary step towards further diagnosis. It is important that you mention if you might be pregnant or have an intrauterine device (IUD) or have had a contrast X-ray done.

Ultrasound Scan
Ultrasound Scan uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the insides of the body. Because sound waves are used instead of radiation, ultrasound scans are safe. 

Intravenous Urogram (IVU) or Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)
The test is used to look at the whole of the urinary system - the kidney, ureter and bladder. A intravenous die is injected and an X- ray image is generated which pin points any blockages if present as the kidney filters the dye out of the blood into the urine.  The test reveals the internal structure of kidney and may be used to roughly assess how well the kidney are working.


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